
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Double Arches Over Mackinac

No, McDonald's isn't opening a restaurant on the island, but we did get treated to a breathtaking double rainbow yesterday. Thank goodness I had my camera with me because I think I will enter this next shot in the Seasons of Mackinac calendar contest. This was the first time I have ever seen an entire rainbow. I just can't describe how amazing this one was; stretching all the way from the bridge to the Grand Hotel. It was probably the most impressive rainbow I've ever seen. (Even better than this one.)

It may not be Oz, but to me, Mackinac Island is just as magical. I am so lucky I get to call it home.

Now my brain has gone off on a tangent... I can't stop thinking about which island residents I would cast in each part if I were casting a new version of The Wizard of Oz. This is going to have me giggling all night long...


  1. BLESSED!!!
    You are incredibly BLESSED to call Mackinac Island home! It truely IS magical! :)

  2. Well, thank goodness they aren't building a McD's ;) What a great shot that is, let us know if you make it into that calendar (I bet you will!)

  3. Wow, we recently had one here as well after our October tornado warning and I almost drove off the road. It's so rare to see 2 full rainbows. Thanks, your picture made my day! Just when I think Mackinac can't be more beautiful, I'm amazed.

  4. Very cool picture. Hope the little guy is feeling better.

  5. Beautiful! Rainbows always remind me that God's promises are true.

  6. I'm so glad they are not building a Mickey Dee's on the island - I thought that the Starbucks seemed out of place when we were there last year.
    The double rainbows are beautiful!!
    And mix it with the Fall colors even more so! Happy Monday!!

  7. Marvelous!
    (And I'm so glad you had your camera with you!)

  8. Beautiful pics. I think the second shot is the best, since the building gives the rainbow a nice sense of scale.

  9. What a beautiful home you have, Liz! Someday I will be visiting and looking you up and buying a pair of those cute mittens! I hope your November is going wonderfully.


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