
Monday, May 31, 2010


My husband chose our route home today just so I could see these little beauties. It's a lady slipper, and with all that has been going on lately (I'll go into details soon) they were just the spot of sunshine I needed...


  1. Oh, love them! Wondered about them this morning when I noticed the picture you gave me of the pink ones.

  2. My mother-in-law and I were ecstatic to stumble upon yellow lady slippers when we visited in May several years ago. They were the first I had seen in real life.

  3. Lovely photo! I'm glad to hear they could bring some sunshine to your life :-)

  4. what a beautiful capture of a beautiful flower. so glad they brought a smile to your face...thanks for sharing them with us.

  5. Glad you had a little bright spot in your day. Take care.

  6. Hope things look up for you soon, and that you find many other little blessings along the way.

    I have to say that I'm very impressed with the diversity of plants and flowers on the island....I never dreamed that there could be so many different little things on such a tiny island!

  7. As we were hiking through the island on Saturday, there was a mom and her three little girls and the oldest, who appeared to be about 4 yrs old shouted, "Mommy! Lady slippers!" It was so cute seeing her actually recognize the name of them! Take care sweetie. :)

  8. Beautiful! I'd never thought you'll have this kind of orchids on your island!
    Take care.

  9. What a beautiful flower! I'm glad it cheered you on your walk!

  10. i love all your photos, you have some great photography skills. great blog :)

  11. How pretty - I've always wondered what they looked like!

  12. Such pretty and intricate flowers, hope their brightness stays with you. We have gorgeous weather in Scotland at the moment so I send you some of our sunshine too.

  13. Lovely Lady's Slipper. I went in search of them about a week ago and was directed to a nearby lake area where they were in abundance. I posted some on my blog if your are interested in seein some pink one. Your yellow one is spectacular.

  14. You are sooooo lucky to have these on the island! I have never, ever actually seen one. I understand they do grow in the PNW but so far I've never found one blooming.

    This a a beautiful shot. Makes me smile! Thank you!


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