
Friday, January 1, 2010

Looking Forward

The New Year always makes me think of Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables. She said, "Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it," and I really like that. I like the idea of a clean slate; like the new year is blank page in a book just full of possibilities. Should I write in it? Doodle? Or use it for origami? Ah... so many choices.

I'd like to make a few changes in my life and today seems like perfect day to start, don't you think? One change I'm going to make is having a happy heart. What I mean is, to do everything I have to do (but might not want to do) with a happy heart - a positive attitude, a smile on my face, and putting in my best effort. I'm also going to be better at keeping the house picked up and asking my husband to help me. I tend to get upset with him for not doing anything while I don't ask him to do anything. And he is willing to help, I just don't ask him to. I expect him to just know that I need help and then get irritated with him when he doesn't. Definitely something I need to improve on. So, this year I'll be happy, in a clean house, with a grouchy husband. (Just kidding, honey.) I'll just have to work on keeping his heart happy, too...

I've also got some exciting things on the horizon for 2010. I'll turn 40 this year, and while I'm not really excited about it, I think I'll live through it - everybody else seems to. I just don't feel 40, you know? More exciting is that two shops downtown have approached me about my mittens. One shop wants to sell them, while the other wants to sell the pattern. I've been honest with both of them that I'm not sure I can produce enough to keep them stocked all summer, but both owners insisted they'd take what I can provide. So now I am a thrifting mad woman, buying sweaters by the duffel bag full. My husband tells me that I have a problem; last night he informed me that he's organizing an intervention...


  1. Intervention....funny! But "stuff" sure has a way of accummulating. I do find it interesting that not everyone "sees" things as women do....hummmmm. Good your attitude!

  2. We must be "kindred spirits"...LOL...I LOVE LOVE LOVE Anne of Green Gables and here you are quoting it! :)
    I too have set forth my resolution for 2010 to be more positive.
    P.S. I'll be looking for your mittens this spring/summer when we come visiting the island! :) Be blessed!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That's how I feel about the new year too! Happy New Year, Liz! I love your goals. How wonderful that you have two shops asking for your things!!!!!!!

  5. Love the card. Does it have a date on it?

    You can't get any better than Anne Shirley. I find myself watching the movies/reading at least one of the books once a year or so, it seems. I like her comment towards the end of the second movie - about being happy at home with her family, and why would she want anything else? As a constantly striving/overachieving only child, it's a good reminder for me.

  6. I haven't read Anne of Green Gables in a really long time but I do remember loving her as much as Laura Wilder. They were my best friends :). Good luck in the New Year and congratulations on getting picked up by the stores!

  7. All the best for this new year Liz!

  8. It was rather interesting for me to read this post. Thank author for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.

  9. As I look at the post card picture, I am remembering so many of those kinds of cards in my mother's dining room buffet that had been sent to the family over the years. I always liked looking through them....and I remember old valentine cards that would be choice collector items now. Oh how I wish so much of that stuff had been kept!

  10. I like both of your goals for the new year! I think a clean, picked up house will help with the happy know what I mean. When my house is a wreck, so am i! Congratulations on your mitten venture! Wonderful news! and Happy New Year!

  11. I think we share the same problem of not asking for help. My husband claims he is always willing to help, instead I huff and puff and mutter under my breath about my workload. I'll try your approach (I'll check back and see how it's going in your household!). And that's wonderful about the mittens. You must feel very flattered. Good for you.

  12. Happy New Year, Liz!!

    What an honest post - thank you.

  13. Thanks for reading my blog, Liz. We love Mackinac Island. What a fun place to live. So, do you teach on the Island? I have to read some more of your blog now, it is very interesting.

  14. nice post. thanks.

  15. I love Anne of Green Gables and I think your idea about a happy heart is great...Fun news about the shops wanting your mittens!! :)

  16. I have just finished watching Anne over the holidays. I have my stash of books ready to pass onto my daughter, although she won't be ready to read them till 2020. Now that makes me feel old!

    I love your positive resolutions.
    Hope you brought the new year in with a smile.


  17. Yes...tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it! I love that (and Anne, of course!) Congrats on the mittens! I'm sure they'll sell whatever you can make!


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