
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Bazaar 2009

Part Two...

Community Hall at the height of the Bazaar.
Click and blow this one up. It's much better bigger.

If you've never been to the Mackinac Island Christmas Bazaar, you're missing out on a fantastic experience. If you're an island fan, you should visit the Bazaar at least once. Our community tries to make sure there is something for everyone and all the money raised stays on the island. (It is shared between the Medical Center and the island Churches.)

There are booths of things for sale for the adults - including my favorite table - the baked goods, as well as auctions for bigger ticket items. And of course, Santa makes an appearance. No one quite understood why I was taking photos with the kids looking away from the camera, but I was thinking, "Oh, that's perfect - I can post that one!" Santa is played by one of our local dray drivers; a really great guy. We're lucky he is willing to sit there roasting in that suit, smiling while people put their screaming children on his lap. (If that Santa suit looks familiar, you may be remembering this post.)

There were also crafts for the kids over at Trinity Church, but we didn't make it. Our lives are currently ruled by nap time, so after giving Santa their letters my two were done. We went right home for a much needed rest - Mama included.

Today is the big auction and the prime rib brunch. Yum yum!


  1. Will you have a booth next year?

  2. What a perfect way to welcome the holiday season!

  3. sounds like a wonderful tradition and a great place to enjoy your neighbors and friends. I remember those days of naptimes ruling!

  4. Liz,
    I love reading your blog.
    So grateful to have "met" you online.
    As an island lover, I love reading about the only time of year we haven't been there (winter) and also all of what goes on with the locals (which I'd love to be some day).
    Thanks for sharing your life with us!
    Melody :)

  5. Thanks for posting about the bizarre so quickly.... this is one of the many things I'm missing about the island this time of year.....

    Our tree lighting was last week and we've wandered the German Christmas market close to a dozen times since it opened thanksgiving weekend.... but its still nice to "see" and "hear" about exciting adventures that occur everywhere but once a year....

    -Merry Christmas from Miss Randa

  6. many could they see/find anything in that crowd? Looks fun. Brave Santa.

  7. I've always wanted to visit the island in the off season, the bazaar looks like a great day. Maybe when the kids are older.

  8. Do they still do the wooden horse racing activity? Dan and I had fun betting on our favorite horse all those years ago ;-)

  9. Hello Liz,
    I also sent you an email. Are outsiders welcome to the bazaar as well? What is the date for 2010?

    Pat Steele
    (Mom of J.Elkins-another blogger)


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