
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2009 Teacher Gifts

Part One

Sorry I've been out of commission for a while; life has just been crazy lately. Between finishing up presents, packing for an upcoming trip, and incredible amounts of drama at work, there just hasn't been time for blogging.

Somehow Christmas snuck up on me this year. It was like the weeks between Thanksgiving and December 15th just disappeared, but somehow I survived and managed to make these for the kids teachers - thanks to Kristyn. She made this for Lisa back in October and it was so cute. Thank goodness I filed the idea away, and then when I couldn't find it, that Lisa helped me remember.

They were really easy to make! I just printed out the names onto nice textured card stock and then trimmed it to the right size. The kids picked out the crayons they wanted to use, I hot glued them to the paper, and then I used double sided scrapbooking tape to attach the card stock to the back of the frame. The frames are about 3/4 inch deep collage frames, so those crayons are under glass. (I thought they would be easier to dust that way.) The kids made gifts too, but that's another post...


  1. They are going to love them! I love the font that you chose! Sorry about all the drama you're having at work...I know about drama, we've been dealing with some here too. It can really drain you. Hope you have a wonderfully relaxing and recharging break. Merry Christmas!

  2. What an original idea! They look great.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family :-)

  3. Very cute! I barely get gifts made for my family and friends, I don't know how I'll manage teachers too when its time for that. Merry Christmas!

  4. Adorable! These are I am filing them away for future gift ideas. :)

  5. WOW..these are incredible! I'll be stealing this idea with pride for my 3.5 year old daughter's teacher this coming spring! ;-)

    I just discovered your wonderful blog today..YAHOO!

    ~ Kathy (Hillsboro, Oregon)

  6. Great Job Liz!
    I love how you took the idea and made it your own!!


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