
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Fifteen Minutes

This weekend I gave a presentation at the Michigan Historical Society's Annual Conference, which was held on Mackinac this year. The planning committee thought people might enjoy learning about life on Mackinac, so Mark (whom you may remember from this post,) Mayor Doud and I were asked to give the conference goers a peek into year-round island life.

As you may have guessed, my part of the presentation was on raising children on Mackinac Island. I have to admit, putting the presentation together was a breeze - I've been writing it little by little ever since I started blogging. The best part, for me, was getting to include photos of the kids faces in the slide show. Some days it just about kills me not to include some of the great pictures I get of them - especially when a certain photo illustrates our lives perfectly.

I'm pleased to report that the three of us were well received and we had the second largest turn out the Historical Society has ever had for a Sunday morning session at the conference. Someone even suggested to me that I turn my presentation into a DVD to sell in the shops downtown. Hmmmmm... I guess I would have to get over my fear of putting my kids faces "out there" wouldn't I...


  1. How cool is that! Liz, don't do what you're not comfortable with - I put my kids on my blog [not very often] but they're older.

  2. You WERE awesome!

  3. I wish I could've been there to see it! I was fascinated by what real life on the island would be like when I visited.


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