
Thursday, September 10, 2009

3... 2... 1... Blast Off!

We've been having way too much fun lately launching 2-liter bottle rockets at the park around the corner.

Just pour in the water...

Make sure the passenger is comfortable and pressurize the bottle to about 50 psi...

Yes, that's Belle - the first princess in space. Doesn't she look thrilled?

Then count down, pull the release cord and blast off. You might want to stand back; as the pressurized air inside the bottle expands it forces the water out. It provides great lift but also has a tendency to give those standing near by a shower.

What a fun way to spend the evening, don't you think.


  1. Looks like lots of fun. Wish we were there--Brian and A would have so much fun together.

  2. I'll say it again... Papa's the man!

  3. What a perfect way to spend a lovely evening! So ... how do these rockets work??? I want to do them, too!

  4. The easiest plans to follow are on the "This Old House" show website. Search for This Old House Rocket and it is the first link on Google.

    However, the BEST site for advanced rocket design is Air Command Rockets. This group does amazing things with plastic bottles and compressed air. I'm currently using one of their designs for a launcher as I wanted to work with higher pressures than the This Old House version.

    Be warned. This is addictive!

  5. This is on our to-do list. Just need a pump.
    Not quite sure how you got the princess inside (or if she's enjoying it!)

    Thanks for the links, I shall have a good browse.

  6. Looks like great fun - for any age! That first image by the way - awesome! As usual!

  7. I've never seen that before, Liz! Thanks for a great activity idea for us!

  8. Oh, my gosh... that's super fun!!! I had a serious laugh that the astronaut was Belle... isn't she the most poised princess ever, not a shadow of fear.
    Blessings and magic.

  9. Bottle rockets...what fun!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I did enjoy my first trip to Mackinac and the bridge walk.

    Wow, you live on Mackinac Island! It's beautiful but I would never have the strength (or maybe it's will?) to last a winter! (...but I guess that's why I moved from MN to FL right out of college)

    You're pictures and family are beautiful!

  10. oh what fun! This is a must with my boys :o)


  11. I will have to show this post to my husband he and our boys would love it!


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