
Monday, August 3, 2009

Snack Time

Do you have any thoughts on what happened to the butter I left out on the dining room table last night?

Apparently our cat, Sushi, likes butter. Mmmmmm, nothing like a few tablespoons of sweet creamery butter to cure those midnight munchies. She likes to eat and weighs 18 pounds (about 8 kg.) We've been working on helping her slim down for a couple of years now, but really gotten serious this summer. Perhaps the special diet cat food we got from the vet isn't her favorite. Guess I'm going to have to remember not to leave the butter out - otherwise I think we'll have a 20 pound cat!


  1. I'd eat the butter out of the dish too if I could...

  2. That is too funny! Love your kitty, she looks a bit like my kitty! Love those black and whites!

  3. Our dog adores butter! She got a whole stick as a pup and she was hooked. A classic picture of her right after trying to snag yet another stick.

  4. I bet Sushi was watching you all evening to see if you would put that butter away. Cats can be so smart.

  5. LOL - they're like toddlers - you can't leave anything laying around!

  6. First off, love your cat's name!! Secondly, she won't be losing weight that way. Maybe she's trying to tell you something :)

  7. Ha! Your cat is like my Oliver...he loves, loves, loves dairy products, especially cheese. He loves licking the butter off the wrappers and licks out the cream cheese containers. Can you imagine how crazy are cats would be if they were let loose in a barn full of milking cows???

  8. ha ha... maybe Sushi has the right outlook on life! Forget the diet and enjoy every minute!!

  9. Funny! That's what she things of diet food!

  10. My cat is like that, too - anything uncovered is fair game! Your cat looks like a sweetie!

  11. I'm just glad we remembered we used the other spread the night before!

  12. I think my dog is on the same diet food -- she has recently devoured an entire loaf of challah *and* an entire spinach quiche!

  13. that's so funny!

    I came here from the little people swap. I love Makinac! I lived in southern MI for 9 years. :)

  14. i am surprised it didnt make the cat puke. we have baby bunnies in the yard...not least they cannot get in the garden. i see them munching grass.

  15. She's BEAUTIFUL! IS she having health issues because of her weight or do you just want her to be skinny? I think she's lovely just the way she is!

  16. :oD
    She is so cute! Good taste as well :o)

  17. Good thing we have no 'real' butter in our house, or I would eat it as well!

  18. This made me laugh out loud!! I also love the fact that your cat is named Sushi... best name ever!

  19. Sushi and I are kindred spirits.


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