
Friday, August 28, 2009

Nothing is Recession Proof

You may remember this post from last summer. Well, the snake bucket is back, but this year the price has gone up. I wonder if our neighbors realize just how much joy the neighborhood children get from that little bucket of toy snakes...


  1. This is such a cute story. What fun for the kids!

  2. Hi there! My name is Melody & I came across your blog after you left a comment on mine today regarding my Mackinac Island post! I have enjoyed reading your blog this family has a deep love and appreciation for the island. My hubby & I first came up on our honeymoon 16 years ago and then started coming back yearly...two or three times each year. It has become more than just a "touristy vacation"...we just love the peace/tranquility of the island & always talk about how we'd love to live there some day. We often wonder how we'd do during the winters though, LOL. Thanks for sharing life on the island for us "wannabe" islanders! I so enjoy reading your posts!
    Melody :)

  3. very funny.........too bad its true! ha!

  4. such a cute idea! i am just in awe with "island living" right now too....can i come live there?!??!

  5. that is hilarious...the times are a changin'!


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