
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mackinac Island Horse Show

Or should I say, My Children's Small Portion of the Mackinac Horse Show...

The Annual Mackinac Horsemen's Association Horse Show is open to all horses stabled on the island as long as they are ridden by someone who lives on the island, is here working for the summer, or a relative of an island family. S and K, since they are so young, only enter in two events - Lead Line and Costume Class.

Lead Line is for only children under seven. It is quite simple; the riders (whether English or Western) are lead around the ring. For some reason (wink wink) the competition is always so fierce, all the competitors tie for first place. It's really a great way to get kids excited about entering the show and nothing beats taking home a blue ribbon.

S rode his riding teacher's pony, Blaze, in the show.

Costume Class is my favorite (I just love an excuse to dress up.) Do those costumes look familiar?

S entered in Costume Class as a fox chasing an English fox hunter.

As you can see, he really isn't riding a horse - he's on a hunting dog! He got quite a few laughs from the English riders at the show. One of his biggest fans was an island lady who has actually gone fox hunting in England. S was really happy when he won a red second place ribbon for his costume.

K entered as a gingerbread cookie poking out of Santa's bag atop Booker T. Prancer, her "reindeer."Only her papa was willing to brave the 85 degree heat (about 29 C) in a furry Santa suit, beard and hat. The friend who loaned us the Santa suit said, "Oh the things we do for our children. No... it's the things our wives make us do for our children."

But it paid off because K won the first place trophy and a blue ribbon for her costume. Now that the Horse Show is over I can start concentrating on my next project - which is painting the dining room. I'm going from a creamy white to kind of a denim blue, and being a colorphob it has me a bit nervous. Wish me luck!


  1. Oh how wonderful! What a great experience for them. And those costumes are nothing short of amazing!

    We went to see the RCMP Musical Ride Friday night and I thought of you and your children doing their riding lessons ... the musical ride is an amazing, iconic Canadian performance.

    As to the painting - yay for colour!!

  2. What a great day! Love those costumes. Congrats on the wins! But oh a Santa suit in this heat? Yipes - kudos to dad!

  3. So sweet! Did dad won a ribbon for wearing tha santa suit in this heat? ;o))))

  4. what a great competiton and tradition. I love both of their costume ideas! So much fun.

  5. What a great event and what fun for the kids!

  6. Congratulations to your little two and their new ribbons! Your husband is an awesome Santa :-)

  7. I love keeping up with your life via your blog. Good job! Fun for the kids; great sewing from their Mom....and ideas. And a hug for A for dealing with the suit and the heat!

  8. FUN! Riding seems like a big part of your island culture. That's just GREAT!

    And as far as the painting project - be careful...
    you will soon be ADDICTED to COLOR! I started off with one room (in my old house) and before I knew it... each room was a different color!

    In our house here...
    Tylan has a basketball orange wall;
    Xaria's room is pink - one wall - picture pepto and the other 3 are very pale pink;
    our bedroom has one RED wall, and my office is red on top and white on the bottom...
    I could go on and on...
    but I think you get the point!

  9. Your kids are so cute! Congrats to them...and you!

  10. Very adorable! I look forward to seeing the blue dining room-- it'll make your furniture and the drapes really look lovely.

  11. How much fun for S and K. The costumes were great and I am sure everyone had fun. What a good sport A is!

    As for the painting...we bought a house that is older and had bold colors in every room. It was very different from our old bland walls of off white that we were used too. We loved it and quickly we began changing a few of the rooms that we didn't care for and we found ourselves going to different bold colors as we had grown to love the color. It is easier than you think to change when you want to change the rooms around. Have some fun with color Liz!

  12. I don't know anything about riding or horses. But I love all your posts about them. Cute shots!

  13. Lovely photos. Looks like fun. My daughter painted her bedroom a very bold blue, almost a royal. I thought it would be horribly overpowering but It's actually very nice. I love blue.


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