
Monday, July 13, 2009

Stopped to...

My husband's family came up for a visit recently. We packed a lot into a few days. We stopped to:

smell the roses,

to throw rocks and enjoy the shore,

to watch the kites,

and to check out every geocache we passed by.

Such fun. The kids are still asking when their cousins will visit again. Their little brains just can't wrap around the fact that the boys live eight hours away in another state - they just know they are a lot of fun to have around. As are Grandma, Grandpie, and Aunt Kafie (K doesn't pronounce "Kathy" quite right yet.) I am so thankful to have such wonderful in-laws. I know not everyone is as lucky as I am in that department!


  1. How wonderful!!!! The kids look so engrossed in everything!

  2. Aahhhhh.....we love you!

  3. Hi to Liz,

    I just wanted to say I have really enjoyed your photos. They are not only very colorful but full of life and beauty! lovely!

    I also wanted to pop in and tell you I launched a new site yesterday. Maybe you could pop in and have a look when you get a chance :o)


  4. great images, you captured the fun of the visit!


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