
Monday, July 6, 2009

Good Bye

My Great Aunt Ruth died last week. She lived a long and full life in her 88 years. My heart breaks for my Uncle Don and my cousins; they've lost so much - a wife, a mother, a grandmother. Somehow they're going to have to find the strength to go on without her.

Ruth left us a wonderful legacy - through her example we all saw the importance of organization, dependability, helping others, and being true to one's self. I will always remember knowing that if Aunt Ruth could be the first woman to earn a Ph.D in chemistry from the college she attended back in the 40s, that I could achieve anything I wanted to. Thank you Aunt Ruth, you will be sorely missed.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like an amazing woman.

  2. I'm so sorry, (((((Liz))))). She sounds like an amazing woman. I'll be praying for your family.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. She was a beautiful, talented woman.

  4. My condolences to you and your extended family. Your aunt sounds like she was an amazing lady.

    But how strange - I also have a Great Aunt Ruth and Great Uncle Don. (Who live in USA - must have been popular names for that generation.)

  5. she sounds like she was an amazing woman. my condolences to you and your family.

  6. So sorry to hear of your family's loss. Your words are a lovely tribute to your Aunt.

  7. Oh, I'm so very sorry. Thank you for sharing a bit of her story.

  8. I'm so far behind on reading my blogs, but wanted to send my condolences on the loss of your great Aunt Ruth. I lost my aunt Ruth a little over a year ago. She was a special woman, also. Sending hugs.


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