
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Welcome Home

Did you know they ship live bees through the U.S. mail?

Yup. My husband's new ones arrived about three weeks ago. (He's the island's only beekeeper.) See that little wooden box below? The queen bee is inside. According to my husband ,she arrives that way so you know she made it to you alive. Having her separate from the other bees also allows them to get use to her scent. Once they are all in the hive together, the worker bees have to eat through a little sugar plug to free her. Welcome to your new home little bees, now get to work...

Last year we harvested about three gallons of honey from my husband's one hive. This year he's got two. Now I need to start collecting recipes that use honey. Might you have any to share? If so, send them my way!


  1. Hmm not off hand. Island life I miss you.

  2. Wow! Married to a bee keeper! What a lucky girl! Hope you are planning on keeping us posted on future events in the hive.

    I do have a recipe around here somewhere for a lovely ice cream using honey. I will try to locate it.

  3. Just remembered this recipe I found recently on this blog I recently discovered. It's for that wonderful sesame honey candy.

  4. How fortunate to have fresh honey! I like this recipe for Pork Tenderloin:

    And this one for Greek Honey Cake:

  5. Oh I wish I had so much beautiful fresh honey! I'd make this special breakfast treat for my family every weekend

    I have to substitute sugar for half the honey because it's just too expensive!

    Laura, from the site above, uses only natural ingredients in all her recipes so if you have a browse you may find more with honey as an ingredient.

  6. I do NOT! But still amazed at this process!

  7. I have a recipe for Honey-Wheat Bread. It's a regular at our house. If you want it, it would probably be easier to email it. Let me know.

  8. How totally wonderful to married to a beekeeper! Hooray for you - and hooray for honey! Keep us posted about this summer's Hive Happenings.

  9. So jealous. Sigh.

    I do know they ship ladybugs through the mail :)

  10. Hope it's another successful year! Go bees, go!

  11. Right now I'm thanking God that I'm not a postal worker. I love the IDEA of bees - I love what bees do - but they absolutely terrify me. It's a life-long phobia I can't shake.

    I'm not phobic about honey, though. Love it in my tea, and on toast!

  12. oh, what a sweet life :) i always make honey butter to eat with bran muffins. or honey over apple slices. mm. or honey on baked sweet potatoes. nothing really healthy, soory!

  13. I don't have a recipe for you. How cool to have "fresh" honey whenever you want it! favorite after dinner "dessert!"

  14. I don't know why I'm so interested in beekeeping! Don't think my neighbors would like it so I'll live vicariously through you. My favorite honey recipe isn't really a recipe...I like plain yogurt with blueberries and honey drizzled over. The perfect dessert!

  15. how fun is that?!! just a bit jealous. wanted bees. not this year...again. maybe next :)

  16. How wonderful! A recipe... I love goat’s cheese, green apples and honey!
    A wonderful appetizer or very nice in a salad!

    And Greek yoghurt with honey... yummy!


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