
Wednesday, June 10, 2009


My daughter has an eye infection - a nasty one.

Our wonderful doctor sent us to the emergency room on Monday for a CT scan.

K was admitted Tuesday morning and is now getting two different IV antibiotics.
Oh yeah, she has Mono, too.

Northern Michigan Regional Hospital has a wonderful pediatric unit. K got a quilt to keep, a stuffed animal, and they are keeping her well stocked with books, videos, and toys from the toy room. (Note to self - make a couple of crib sized quilts to donate back to the hospital.) They even have a computer the patients and parents can borrow. The doctor and nurses are great, and while it stinks to have to be here, I know she is getting top-notch care.


  1. Oh NO Liz...

    I am so sorry. I wish her a speedy recovery and return home with all of you.


  2. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about this development, Liz. It's just awful to have a kid in the hospital.

    I'm sending positive thoughts to all of you ... and extra ones to K for quick healing.

  3. Aww, poor baby! It's so hard, especially for the little ones! Hard on Mom and Dad too! Sending positive thoughts your way for a speedy recovery!

  4. So sorry to hear about the infections. Yuk. Glad to hear you are somewhere that has a good peds ward - makes a lot of difference in the memories esp of the child.

  5. Poor K! Wishing her a speedy recovery!

  6. so sorry to hear this
    I hope she is better and back home recovering really soon.

  7. Poor little girl - it's awful to be sick, especially in summer! Hope she's all better soon.

  8. Oh that poor thing! I'm praying for her to get well quickly and come home. I'm so glad you're at a good hospital. How nice that quilters donate there, too.

  9. Oh no! I'm so sorry your little girl is sick. I am praying for a speedy recovery. It's great that people are so thoughful and giving. Sounds like she is well cared for. I'm sure that puts your mind at ease.

  10. Wishing for a speedy recovery so that you and wee one can have a great summer! (hugs)

  11. Ohhh Liz,
    You are always in our prayers, but we'll add some extra special ones that K heals quickly and that no one else catches her mono! We are going to the cabin tomorrow for the weekend. I'd like to swing by if K is allowed visitors! How long do they expect her to be admitted? Love you!!

  12. Oh, poor kiddo! I hope she's on the mend soon. Glad to hear she's in good hands. :)

  13. Poor K! I hope she will feel better very soon.

  14. Hope your Miss K. is on the mend soon soon soon.

  15. What a rotten way to start the summer! She's got youth on her side; the young one's bounce back quick.

  16. Oh My!!! Poor little K. How awful to be so sick -- and right at the beginning of summer, too...

    Sounds like she is getting great care over there, though. I hope she continues to recover quickly.


  17. ((((Aww!)))
    Our hearts are with you. Hope it all goes very quickly and peacefully and she is home running through the sprinklers soon.

  18. yikes! hope your little pumpkin will be better very soon. good that your dr. caught it or who kows what could of happened. wow! 2iv antibiotics...what kind of infection does she have? will it effect her vision or will that take time to tell. i hope everything works out well. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your little one. xo susan

  19. Knowing K is in such good hands is huge. What a blessing to have such good care available in such a remote area of the country.

    Best wishes for K's rapid and complete healing.

  20. Wow...what an ordeal! Hope every one is doing fine now!


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