
Thursday, June 18, 2009

One Down...

Two to go...

My son chose this cute turtle fabric for his new hat. I love it and it fits perfectly. He specifically asked for, "No Velcro," so this hat is currently strap free. After wearing it to the parade and having it blow off a time or two, he's decided that a chin strap might be a good idea after all. As soon as I get a few minutes I'll be adding that.

We went to the Medical Center earlier this week after S had complained about a headache, and now he has an ear infection and is on antibiotics. Jeez! The doctor also tested him for mono but thank goodness he came back negative! So we are all taking things pretty easy this weekend. How about you, what are you up to?


  1. Cute hat! I'm sending prayers your way for your entire family to be in good health.
    Myself and my DH will be the judges for a burger throwdown on Saturday afternoon. I can't wait. We will be judging 6 different chefs and their creations. Yummy! Then dinner with the family at a fantastically authentic Italian restaurant. I'm hoping to do a little sewing and lots of gardening too.

  2. I think that you'll soon have your own wing at the medical center! Hang in there, everyone : )

  3. The QT family is having a rough go of it. I hope a little R&R has you all back in tip top shape.

    Great hat. Where did you get your pattern?

  4. Love the hat - the turtles are great! Not another one sick - yikes girl! Praying for your family!

  5. Glad the little guy is feeling okay. It's such a good mom of you to let him see your wisdom about the strap. Kudos!

  6. I used Simplicity 5581, but I made the brim one inch wider. I also usually add a gros grain ribbon chin strap.

  7. I love the hat. I've been pretty busy this week sitting with my 3 grandchildren. Jakob the oldest has run a fever for a few days. He was better today. I took all 3 to the grocery store today. I forgot how hard it is. But we all went swimming later and the day turned out great. They went home. I'll see them again tomorrow night.

  8. The hat is adorable! Love the fabric. I hope you guys have a nice relaxing family weekend. We will be b-b-qing with friends and hopefully just relaxing as well :)

  9. All these trips to the medical center - Liz, this is no way to start a summer. I hope everyone gets better soon. So many summer adventures ahead!

    Another most excellent hat!


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