
Monday, June 22, 2009


Yesterday the kids, my friend Wendy and her daughter, and I all went swimming at the pool. We rode our bikes, so S and K were riding in the Burley behind my bike. All of a sudden I heard a panicked, "SPIDER!" followed by blood-curdling screams. I stopped, opened the Burley and managed to use K's hat to scoop out this guy. At first glance he just looks like any old spider, doesn't he.

Now look at him again with my foot for a size reference.

No wonder they were screaming bloody murder. I would have been too! That is one hell of a spider - and the scariest thing is, he is the second one we've seen this summer. I'm hoping he's also the last, because while I like bugs - I do not like spiders.


  1. My heart is racing just *thinking* about it! Eeek!

  2. Eeeekkkkk!!!!! I'm screaming just looking at it!!!!!!!! Yikes!!!! Not a fun creature to ride along with. It's the kind of thing that spurs nightmares! It was brave of you to catch it with a hat. It's amazing what we will do for our kids. Right?

  3. Holy crap. Pardon my language, but that spider deserves it. I would've ditched the burley and made dh go back and get it. You win the brave woman of the day award for sure!

  4. Yep, I'd be freaked out about that crawling around near my children. But for really big spiders you have to come over here

  5. I'm with you on that. My grandaughter had one about that size in a jar Friday night. She said is was called a "trap door spider" Look it up they are creepy.She fed it a horsefly. I couldn't help but watch.

  6. I can imagine the kids were freaked, never good to be startled by a big spider!

    That is a beautiful spider, though.

  7. Double EEEEKKKKK!

  8. I'm with you..I love insects, but HATE spiders. I always loved watching the sparrows picking off those humongous spiders on the mission house porch and cheered them on!

  9. i don't know of many people who like spiders :) are you up for a play along?

  10. i don't know of many people who like spiders :) are you up for a play along?

  11. Oh, sweetie, sweetie, sweetie...that's not a big spider. I should show you Freddie, who lived in my house in Sydney. He started out about 3 inches across when we found him; by the time we moved, he was almost five. :D He was a huntsman. We were very fond of the little guy. We haven't named the huntsman we've discovered living in our current house here in Hawaii yet...give us a little, though. :p

  12. This spider gives me the creeps. I hope I NEVER see one this big and ugly.

    Yu should have saved this for Halloween!:-)


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