
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cairo: Day One

Cairo is an amazing city. It is a city of stark dichotomies; one minute a brand new Mercedes Benze passes you, the next this guy cuts you off.

In the rug store the owner shows you $30,000 rugs that took three workers two years to make.

McDonald's (and virtually every other restuarant) delivers.

You see western tourists wearing spaghetti straps and Egyptian women dressed like this. The vast majority of the women we saw had their heads covered but not their faces.

We got our first glimpse of the pyramids today. We were told it was a treat becasue despite the fact they are just out side the city, there is so much pollution and dust in the air you can't see them from across town.

For some reason I can't get Blogger's spell checker to work over here, so I apologize for any errors this week. Trust me - I'm an awful speller.


  1. GREAT pics! I've always wanted to visit Egypt since getting hooked on the Amelia Peabody mysteries from Elizabeth Peters. I hope you're having a wonderful time!

  2. Amazing! Keeping writing and keep the pictures coming.

  3. Wonderful photos, wonderful post! This is just the coolest thing : )

  4. Looks like the amazing place I always imagined it would be - thanks for taking us all along through your blog.

  5. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. It is so amazing to see glimpses into what the Cairo is like. Have fun!

  6. Amazing. Thanks so much for sharing.

  7. Wow this is so cool. Loving the updates. So glad you made it safe and you are having fun with your mom. She must be so thrilled to have you visit. :)

  8. Sounds wonderful. I am glad you are able to blog from there :o)

  9. i don't care about your spelling, i'm just glad you'll be able to give us updates on your trip.
    the pic of the women is beautiful. and the one looking over the city at pyramids... wow.

  10. Thank you so much for sharing your trip! It is great to be there "virtually"! I was imagining that this would be a great opportunity for you to purchase material...silks with gold inlay, Egyptian cottons...ooohhh...ahhhh.

  11. I am green with envy, and cyber-screaming, "Give me more! Give me more!" I'll take it with spelling errors and all.

  12. I loved your description of the trafic in Egypt. Benz on minute, goat the next. LOL! Just to mak you fel bettr my spelling stinks to! LOL!

  13. A friend of mine is from Cairo and she told me that there is so much pollution and dust that...well, when she uses a kleenex it's black! gross!!!

  14. Um. So so so so jealous here. I don't think I have a chance in hell of ever making it to Egypt, so I am just going to have to live vicariously. Wow.


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