
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Battle Scars

Score: Table one, the four year-old zero.

The "bonk" as my son calls it is now draining - right down into his eyes. So now instead of just a bruise on his forehead, he has two lovely eyes to match. To me, the eyes actually look worse than the forehead. The island doctor checked him out yesterday and assures us the drainage is normal and nothing to be worried about.

All I say is, thank goodness there was a room full of witnesses. Otherwise I think we'd be getting a visit from Social Services...


  1. oh I think he needs a hot chocolate and a few choc chip cookies

  2. Bless his heart! Hope he heals quickly!

  3. Poor little guy!
    And yes, it does look quite dramatic ... glad for the witnesses!

  4. oh my...bad table! glad he's doing ok!

  5. OMG... poor little guy! His bluish blue eyes look really woeful!

  6. :D
    I love this, actually!
    The injuries of adventures, big and small. My boy has a shiner right now as well, from running into his sister. We tease him that he was wupped by a girl. ;)

    (Glad all is well.)

  7. Oh no, poor little guy (but I bet he thinks his battle scars are cool!)

  8. Nice!

    I'll bet every parent of a boy has had that exact thought go through their heads .... "Who's going to believe this?!"

  9. Poor baby! We want to try to protect them from all the hurt, but then they do something to prove to us that we can't. Luckily, they're made of strong, quick-healing stuff.

  10. Ooo that looks dreadful! But at least it's a sign it's healing.

  11. OH.....MY! Poor fella....hugs.

  12. OUCH! Poor guy! Those eyes do look so sad.... and ya... I remember when my lil girl broke her collar bone falling off the bed and hitting the bench... they asked her a million questions... wouldn't even let us talk until she told them what happened and she was barely 2! I guess it's good... they are looking out for the best interest of the children!

  13. reminds me of what my son looked like after a battle with a stick. i have a pic posted on my blog (post titled: blackmail photos) . he was only five and the boys were playing sword fighting like little boys do, and a stick was jabbed into the bridge of his nose and almost went into his eye. he was the deepest shade of purple for weeks!
    so i promise, i will not call child services on you. i have little boys too. ha ha

  14. Poor little dude, he looks like he's been put through the wringer!

    We called my middle boy "Black eye guy" when he was a kid, I have never seen one child have so many shiners.

  15. Poor his face was covered with mommy kisses!!!

  16. Once, my dd broke her arm while at the playground with a friend who was watching her. Then, my ds fell on his face at the same playground, while I was just out of arms reach. Now, picture me, a young looking 24yo, with two broken and battered little kids. OMG, the looks I got. lol


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