
Monday, February 9, 2009

Traffic Jam

Look closely at that picture. Can you see it ? If you can't, click on the picture to enlarge it. Almost directly in front of that freighter is a snowmobile! Of course he (I say "he" because no sane woman would take a risk like that!) is off to the side a hundred feet or so, but still - yikes! Even though the Coast Guard Cutter breaks the ice to keep the freighter channel open, a big ship like that can move the ice. 100 feet is way too close for comfort for me.


  1. ya know, i just figured something out. i enjoy your blog because of the other-worldliness about your everyday life. it is so interesting to me, seeing how other people live in different areas of the country and world.
    I, too, live in a very secluded and rural place. but it's a totally different landscape than yours. thanks for the little peeks. of course i've enjoyed your crafts, too.

  2. Wow!....just wow! What was that person thinking!

  3. Sorry I can't fathom a freighter in a sea of ice, let alone a man on a snowmobile sitting that close watching it.

  4. (gasp) Was he on his way back?

  5. that crazy MAN!! as always, lovely picture!

  6. You said it....Crazy!!!
    Love your picture!


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