
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Supply Run

After a lovely lunch with my Grandma Mary on Saturday, I went shopping. As you can see I brought lots home. I had groceries, a hot water heater insulation kit, special-order-soon-to-be-shower-curtain-and-bathroom-valance fabric (in the tall brown boxes,) and groceries. All my fresh fruits and veggies are in the purple insulated cooler so they won't freeze. The ice bridge can be a bit bumpy and I was worried my eggs would break, so they got to ride shotgun. (All 18 made it across safe and sound.) The ice was incredibly busy on Saturday - all tourists coming over to the island. We can tell the tourists from the locals because the tourists often have parkas and helmets that are matchy matchy with their snowmobiles. They are good for the island economy so we don't tease them too much.

While I was shopping I found the cutest little dress pattern and fabric. That, along with matching hair "pretties" (as my daughter calls them- pattern here) are tonight's project...


  1. And to think - I am taking the insulated cooler bag on my shopping trips so the milk won't go off before I get home! You're tkaing yours to stop the fruit from freezing.

    (9th day in a row over 30*C and no end in sight!)

  2. You are a true Yooper! Love the sled.

  3. Looks like quite an adventure. Can't wait to see the new dress and pretties.

    BTW, I tagged you for a meme.

  4. this is my first time here but felt the need to comment. So "nice to meet ya!".
    My daughters call them "hair pretties" also.
    And i wanted to say about your paint chip bookmark... cute idea. I'm planning the V-day party for my 1st grader's class and I saw something similar using a "week" cut off of an old calendar and writing "you make my day" on it. and turning it into a bookmark.
    i'm going to look around a little more here so maybe you'll hear from me again.
    have a great day!

  5. I like the way you are doing your shopping ;o)

  6. I will NEVER complain about going to the grocery store again. Wow!

  7. just found you and wow you live a very interesting (read = fulfilling and fun) life! looking forward to reading more!


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