
Friday, February 27, 2009


Did we ever get hit with winter last night! Between about 9:00 pm last night and 7:00 am this morning we got between eight and 10 inches (about 20-25 cm) of wonderful fluffy snow. Driving a snowmobile to work in that much snow is easy, but I sure am glad I didn't have to dig out my car. Now it is beautiful, sunny, and cold - the wind chill is - 4 (about -20 C.)

For me, spring is a long way off. We won't see spring in these parts until April so I am thinking of joining in Shining Egg's Green Week again. All the pictures I see of people's daffodils coming up have me longing for a little more green in my life...

Enjoy your weekend.


  1. I loved your yellow week, so I say go green!

  2. Stunning photograph, Liz. Thank you!

  3. wow! that was quite a bit of snow???

    lovely shot :o)


  4. I really love snow, it is so beautiful. But I don't think I could ever live in it.

  5. Looks like Spring isn't THERE yet!

  6. Dare I tell you that I have a few bulbs up? They best get back under the leaves, etc.!

  7. thanks for the heads up about green week at shining egg. I joined in, can't wait to see what you do "green"!

  8. I'm hopeful Spring will arrive...

  9. Oh I love this photo! Just beautiful!!!


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