
Monday, January 12, 2009

Toilet Humor

photo by Flickr's mypapercrane

Sunday I said something that I never ever thought I would say...

I walked up the stairs, turned the corner and saw my son in the bathroom. Before I knew it, I was yelling, "Get your head out of the toilet!"

He pulled his dripping little blond head out of the toilet bowl, smiled at me and said in his best I-know-what-I'm-doing voice, "But Mama, it's clean! I flushed it first." Then, I heard my 2 1/2 year-old daughter come back into the bathroom. When I saw her noggin was just as wet, I had to walk away - shaking my head, trying not to bust out laughing and feeling pretty darn thankful I had scrubbed that particular toilet an hour earlier. Needless to say, bath time came early to my house this weekend.


  1. Ha! I wonder which one of them instigated that one?

  2. OK, that is a perfect Reader's Digest funny!! Priceless.

  3. oh my goodness a kodak moment for sure!
    how funny!!!!
    sure hope they got that out of their system and will never do that again!

  4. Now, that is very funny! Kids! That's a story you'll be telling grandkids someday.
    Loved your pics from the previous post.

  5. Lol! What were they trying to do? Just get their hair wet, or some other cunning plan?

  6. Thank you for the great story that just brought a smile to my face as well as Brian's. We have a very wild boy in our home but he has not thought to try that yet and hopefully won't.

  7. Oh yes. The toilet. What an endless source of entertainment!!

  8. a swirly is so much safer than the pair of scissors. easier to laugh at too.

  9. Hahahahahahahah!!!! You will remember that moment forever!

  10. Huge laughs!!

    I remember one of my first "Things I never thought I'd hear myself say" to Frankie.

    "Don't lick that fly, you don't know where it's been!"

    Kids..what they do that doesn't kill them at least makes us laugh ;-)

  11. Okay, it's time to scrub my toilet, I think. I loved reading about your snowmobiling, Liz. Our worlds are so different. It's lovely to think about.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. you just never know what's going to happen with kids in the house...crack me up! I've had to say some things I never thought I'd say, but not that one!

  14. mmmm... YA!! Bath time definitely would have been immediately! LOL!

  15. I often hear things come out of my mouth (directed toward my daughter) that I thought I'd never say. Motherhood certainly requires a good sense of humor.


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