
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Zipping I Will Go...

Monday morning I woke up to this, and you know what that means... means I got to ride this to work instead.

Winter has officially arrived in Northern Michigan. My trusty Polaris, who took a bit of coaxing to start after her long summer rest, makes the one-mile-up-hill bike ride home from work a snap. Well, a pull actually since she usually takes three pulls to get started. I don't know if those of you who regularly travel by motorized vehicle can truly appreciate how much freedom this little snowmobile offers me. All winter long I won't have to budget the extra travel time into my daily schedule - I can zip where ever I need to go...


  1. ooh! Cool!

    Although I seriously doubt I would have the cheery disposition you do about traveling about in all elements on the island, I do think it's so very fun that you do...

    Go, Liz, Go!

  2. I think it's SO COOL that you get to ride to work on a snowmobile! My commute is way to long for that! :)

  3. I remember reading a little while back that you were just waiting for this to happen - so happy "zipping" for the next few mmonths. I'm happy for it to be you rather than me!!

  4. My son is so jealous!! He is waiting for snow on our local mountains (there's only a dusting right now) so we can go skiing.

    Have fun zipping around the island!!

  5. I have very fond memories of the fantastic snowmobile ride that A took me on when I visited you one February a billion years ago-- so beautiful and very fun!

  6. You know, as one who loves a good snowmobile ride, and has driven them since I was 3 - I still LOVE that you get to ride it to work. I'm a little jealous! That is so cool!

    Happy snow!

  7. Aw..but the bike looks so pretty all covered in snow! :p

    But yeah, yay, you finally get to bust out the snowmobile! :D

  8. that bicycle picture is so great!
    i love it
    & look at you miss snowmobile!
    so awesome!
    do you have to get really bundled up?
    or do you have a super suit that keeps you warm without tons of layers?

    looks like so much fun:)

  9. how fun to drive your snowmobile to work. :)


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