
Thursday, December 18, 2008

You Light Up My Life

or Teacher Gifts Part One...

This is what the kids made for their teachers and babysitters for Christmas this year. These candles look so cool with the kids' artwork on them, but they were super easy to make using the tutorial I found here. The hardest part of the whole thing was helping hold the tissue paper taut while the kids drew (and that really wasn't that hard!) S and K did the artwork while Miranda and I used the hair dryer to adhere the drawings to the candles. I hope Mrs. A, Miss. W, Mr. S, Mrs. M, and Mrs. K enjoy them. They'll all be getting something else too, but those little goodies aren't quite finished yet.


  1. Those are cool!! I might have to try them for next year!

  2. Liz, these are adorable. The smiley face is just precious. Definitely checking out the link to this project.

  3. Now that is very very clever! Nicely done.

  4. Those are adorable. I bet the teachers will love them and thanks for the link to the tutorial. :-)

  5. These are just the cutest! What a great idea. I am way past first grade - but I am definitely making these. You got my almost burned-out-from-christmas-projects crafty juices flowing again!!!

  6. I made something like this YEARS ago with rubber stamps. LOVE the kids artwork idea, though... keeping it on my list for the years to come! :)

  7. I absolutely love these candles. The artwork is so fabulous. Must try this, but I only have freezer paper, not wax.


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