
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Treasure Hunters

We had family up for a visit recently and we spent lots of time geocaching. Here's A (age six) with our first "treasure" of the visit...

Let me tell you, if you have kids and you have never been geocaching, you need to give it a try. We only hit six of the 70+ caches that are on the island and the kids had a blast. I know what you're thinking...

You're thinking she's kind of techie, kind of geeky, and you're not - so you don't think you can do it. But - you're wrong; geocaching is really easy. My mother-in-law is not a particularly tech-savy person and she loved it! All you need is a GPS, an internet connection, and some little trinkets to leave behind. Oh yeah, having a pen and a good pair of walking shoes helps, too. (The Math and Science Center located at our local Intermediate School District has GPS units that they lend out. Yours might too.)

Just go the the geocaching website and enter your zip code to find out how many caches are in your hometown. Then you download those cache locations into the GPS and away you go.

The kids couldn't wait to get the caches open - They loved looking through all the treasures to find the one they wanted and then deciding which of our things they wanted to leave behind. With older kids it would be a great way to teach latitude, longitude, and map reading skills... ,

I know it is a complete non sequitur, but this is my 100th post. It seems like I just started blogging - and here I've posted 100 times in the past nine months. I know, in reality, 100 posts is nothing compared to many blogs, but I'm pretty excited about it...


  1. congrats on the 100 posts.

    I've not ever geocached (??) but I hear it's a lot of fun!

  2. Oh, Liz, of course you guys would be into geocaching! We are definitely kindred spirits. My husband and I geocached a ton before we had the was such fun then, and I'm sure there are tons more out there nowadays! I definitely need to get back into it, as we discovered on our trip that the boys can "hike" now for short distances.

    Congratulations on your 100th post! I think it's a huge accomplishment and shows some 'stick-to-it-ativeness.'

  3. Congratulations on your 100th post

  4. Congrats on your 100th post. Geocaching sounds like a blast.

  5. I've never heard of geocaching before but it does sound like something we'd enjoy.

    Congrats on 100 posts! (Aren't you supposed to do a "100 Things About Me" when you reach that milestone?) (I didn't either.)

  6. last summer we spent a lot of time geocaching! It was so much fun! We really need to start've inspired me!

    BTW.. congrats on your 100th post.. very cool!!!

  7. You've reminded me to pull up the website and find the spots for our area ... my husband just got a GPS for his fishing trips this summer. This is something we will love.

    Congratulations on the 100 posts. As someone said to me when I hit that mark - most new bloggers never stick with it long enough to reach 100. So well done!

  8. I did a geocache program for the teens at the library last year. Some of them really got into it. Unfortunately, there weren't all that many spots that we could walk to..big city, boring people.

    100 posts...I'm glad I've had the opportunity to connect with you 100 all the extra little visits here and there :-)


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