
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome Fall

I've had an odd compulsion to pick up acorns this fall. I can't explain it, but when I see them on the ground I have to fill my pockets. It's odd, I know...

I don't really have much in the way of fall decorations, except for a wreath I get out after Halloween, but I thought the house needed something to celebrate these early days of fall. All those acorns came in handy; a few of them worked perfectly to spruce up the lonely candle atop my dining room table.


  1. What a pretty picture. I love acorns too. We don't have any out in farm country. I planted a few oak trees 3 years ago. I don't have acorns yet.

  2. Lovely. Fall is my favorite Season.

  3. Oh, Liz, you're missing out with Fall decorations! They are perhaps my favorite decorations of the year. I will be sure to post some pictures to share with you. Perhaps some pumpkins and gourds for your dining table?

  4. i love acorns too. i love how they feel under my feet when i'm walking. looks like the party was a smashing success. love the under the sea idea!

  5. I love the sight of acorns. So sweet and so fall. I haven't found any yet but hope to soon. We have so many evergreens around that it is hard to find trees that leave gifts other than pine cones.

  6. ooo everyone is feeling the autumn vibe at the moment, I love digging out my boots and tights! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, its always lovely to be introduced to new blogs, all the best.

  7. It’s not odd, I have the same graving... It always reminds me of the herbarium we made at school when I was a very little girl. We walked though the forests searching for coloured leaves and flowers and then dried them between heavy books.
    I love Fall!

  8. I love the's so outdoorsie.... I love it!


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