
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some Bunny to Love

When I found the pattern for this little guy I knew I had to make one. I actually finished him about two weeks ago, but I just got around to taking pictures the other day. He's made from an old cashmere sweater I found at the thrift shop for a quarter. Even with a hole or two - I couldn't leave it behind for that price. Cashmere for a quarter!

So now that sweater is our (help me out here with a cute name) Tooth Fairy pillow. You can't see it in the photo, but on the other side there is a pocket where teeth can go so the Tooth Fairy can find them easily. (The pocket was already in the sweater, I just lined up the pattern where I wanted it to be on the bunny before I cut him out.) I must admit this one was my second attempt. I followed Betz White's pattern but found it way too small to turn right side out, so I blew it up 200% and was much happier with the result. The kids seem excited about him, especially S, who regularly reminds me, "Mama, when I'm five one tooth will fall out. Just one - not all of them." He doesn't quite get it yet...

In completely unrelated news, Monday was his first ever day of pre-school. So far he is loving it - specifically the "purple pony." I took a ton of photos on that first day (of course) but have yet to get a minute to upload them.


  1. Oh, those are the cutest things ever! I'm thinking Christmas gift...

  2. I love the bunny. He's adorable!
    He's the perfect tooth fairy helper!

  3. The bunny is darling! And cashmere! So soft. Great job on it.

    Yay for the new preshcooler!

  4. SO CUTE! My ma-in-law recently gave both of my kids little tooth fairy trinkets (that look like teeth)! Cannot wait to use em'! :)

  5. what a great out of the box tooth fairy helper!

  6. I left some responses for you on my blog :)

  7. I love that you used a thrifted sweater to make this sweet bunny. I have picked up so many sweaters that just sit in my craft room unused. I really like the choice of fabric for the ears too. So cute.

  8. He is a really cute bunny. I'm having trouble linking bunny to tooth fairy though.

    And you can safely reassure S that yes, only ONE tooth will fall out (at a time) so there's nothing to worry about - unless he comes off his bike, or horse!

  9. Love the bunny! My son has a tooth fairy pillow that my mum bought him at a craft fair. He loves to use it still at 8.

  10. Sweet bunny. I've been looking for a bunny pattern for easter! Thanks for your comments on my blog. It has been fun to see yours.

  11. Great skills! and what a neat idea a tooth fairy pillow too!


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