
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Well, for me anyway...

A while back Jeanette over at Keep Me in Stitches tagged me for this meme, so I thought I'd play along.
Name: Elizabeth. That's all you get - just Elizabeth. Sorry - I'm just not comfortable giving my middle or last name out, given that I live in such a small town. I will tell you that no one calls me Elizabeth - not even my mother when she's made at me.

In kindergarten I discovered that all nine letters of Elizabeth took forever to write, but Liz was much quicker. So I'm Liz; all three-easy-to-write-block-letters Liz. That's my birth announcement. I was born in the US so why my dad used kilograms I don't know. (2.66 kg = 5 lbs 13 oz in case you were curious. I would be...)
Born: Grosse Pointe, Michigan. It is a suburb of Detroit. Grosse Pointe had fantastic schools and I'm so glad my parents decided to move there. Growing up in such a wealthy community when my family wasn't quite so wealthy was challenging at times, but getting to go to G.P. South High School made it so worth it! It is hard for me to believe my 20th reunion is coming up this November. (GPS always has them the Friday after Thanksgiving since many people will already be in town. )

Favorite Color: I love blue. Light blue, navy blue, colonial blue… you name it, I love it.

Favorite City: That is a tough one… there are lots of cities that I haven’t visited yet. Probably, right now, I would have to say Dublin, Ireland. I spent the summer there when I was 15 and spent a lot of time with my Uncle Bill and Aunt Felicity. They are both gone now… Dublin will always have a special place in my heart because it reminds me of them. (We use to walk over this bridge to get to my Uncle's shop.)

Photo credit:

Places I Want to Visit: Right now Colonial Williamsburg is at the top of my list.

Bad Habit: I have so many… Probably my worst one is being a big worrier - usually about things over which I have absolutely no control.

Favorite Animal
: I must admit, I am a turtle fan.

Past Love: hmmmmm… Not quite sure how to answer this one, so I won't...

First Job: babysitting at 12 – which was too young. Especially divorced parents who did not get along at all. The dad (the custodial parent) told me not to let the mom speak to the kids; take a message and tell her they'll call her back tomorrow. When I wouldn’t let her speak to the kids, she called the police. I was so scared when the police rang the bell and asked to see those kids. Needless to say I didn't babysit for that family again. That's me in elementary school - not twelve yet though. I couldn't find a middle school picture...

Current Job: I teach in a very small K-12 school on an island in Northern Michigan. I teach 4th - 7th grade math and science; so I have the combined 4th and 5th grade class (seven students) for half of the day and the combined 6th and 7th grade class (fifteen students) for the other half of the day. I love it. Tagging: Katie and Maggie


  1. I have also always wanted to go to Colonial Williamsburg. I bet you will beat me there. That was a very nice post. Love the babysitting story.

  2. WE WEIGHED the exact same at birth! That's cool! AND.... thanks for sharing all the other stuff! I love to read about other people's interests and childhoods! Great post! Love all the pics!

  3. I loved reading this! :)

  4. Sounds like you live in an amazing place. Hope I can visit some day. Soon I put a picture of myself. I feel like I know you so much better.

  5. Hey! We can go to Williamsburg together! YAY It would be so nice to go with someone who appreciates history as much as I do.

    I am a chronic worrier too. As I sit here in the midst of a two day run of consecutive anxiety attacks *Sigh*

  6. I loved reading more about you, Liz. :)


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