
Thursday, August 28, 2008


Any ideas?

How about now?

You guessed it - it is a crayon holder for a purse or diaper bag. The only down side is the minty fresh toothpaste residue masks the crayon smell. I use to love that smell - especially the first time I opened the new box of 64 crayons in September (you remember - the one with the built-in sharpener.)

My swap partner, Mama Bird, has inspired me to try to be a bit greener. I'm getting there - baby steps. Does anyone else have any good ideas for what to do with old toothpaste tubes?

Thank you all for the warm wishes for my day off; it was wonderful. I slept in, lounged in my jammies all day, sewed, watched a bit of TV, blared BNL, and had an absolutely divine time. I think my husband may have to make this a tradition!


  1. Very nifty Liz, this is a great idea!!!!! and VERY green...

  2. As my husband would say "That is just neater than a skeeter's peter..." Great idea!

  3. Great idea! And you're pretty much forest green to my lime with this one...was just thinking of you all today. Glad you had a nice day just puttering and enjoying yourself.

  4. That was so great of your husband! And the crayon holder is spiffy, however I have no other ideas for used toothpaste tubes... other than the garbage. I'm the opposite of green when it comes to things like that! Sorry!

  5. It would be a cute holder for your toothbrush and small tube of toothpaste when traveling. With all this recycling, is there a book in the future?

  6. I'm so glad you came and visited me over at my blog. I just love yours! I just put your blog in my favorites.
    I think it's so cool that you raise bee's. This is the first year that I can remember looking for honey bee's and welcoming them.
    Sounds like you had a great time all by yourself. Sewing all day and staying in your P.J's is the best!

  7. Very creative use!

  8. Okay, that is SO COOL! Where did you get the idea for it?? I LOVE it!!!


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