
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Liz of Green Gables?

My house may not have gables, but I can imagine it does...
Megan Follows as Anne of Green Gables
BoufMom9 began a Biblical Meme a few weeks ago, she invited Mum-me to play along, who invited me to play along. So here goes:

As my friends know, I am not really a biblical person. So I’ll have to go with literature on this one…

The classic literary character I am most like is
Anne of Green Gables. (She is one of my all time favorite characters!) Anne is head strong, hard working, imaginative, and one of those girls others perceive as just a wee bit different. She adapts quickly, is full of joy, she lives on an island, and she hates her hair and her freckles. Anne always seems to get herself into trouble (though unintentionally) but things always seem to work out in the end. Then, there was the time Anne broke a slate on top of a boy’s head after he teased her; I used a social studies book instead...

Here are the rules of the game:

1. Choose a person in the Bible or classic literature who most represents who you are.

2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration, scripture or story if you like.

3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this
original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.

4 .Tag five more blogs with links.

5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

I'm tagging Katie, Maggie, and Susan. I know that isn't five, but it is the best I can do today...

Image from


  1. Thanks for playing along! I liked your character - Anne Shirley is a great favourite of mine too.

  2. Thank you so much for playing along! I am a HUGE fan of Anne of Green Gables!Thank you for going into detail as to why you chose who you did. I just love that this meme is giving readers a chance to really see the soul a bit.
    :) Debi

  3. Oh I LOVED Anne of Green far my favorite series as a child. I read them over and over! I wanted to be there sneaking rasberry cordial on the porch so bad! LOL! I even thought about making some this year...


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