
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Fabric Silhouette #2

She's finally done. After two weeks of languishing on the table I finished her last night. It is my friend M in her 1830s dress. We had so much fun snapping photos in our period clothing this past summer. Why do we have 1830s period clothing you ask? Well, we both use to work together at an 1830s historic site and we both enjoy sewing. Besides, M needed the challenge of making 1/8 inch wide piping.

I took lots of pictures as I went through the process of making it so I could post a tutorial, but I wanted to get other people's opinions before it did. I was inspired by Louise Handley's book, Fabric Silhouettes, but I did not follow her directions for transferring the photograph onto the fusible web. I did, however, use her suggestion to cut out slits and slivers to give the silhouette more detail. So, I'm wondering if it is appropriate for me to post a tutorial? If you have an opinion, please comment and let me know what you think.


  1. Amazing work! I for one would like to know how it's done. I think if you took some of the suggestions from the book, but mostly used your own know-how, it would be appropriate to do a tutorial, as long as you give credit to the author of the book where necessary. You could make a link to her book on Amazon in the post too.

  2. YES, tut please!! I have been really thinking of doing silhouette cutwork stuff lately, but have been wondering what the best way of going about it would be!

  3. Hello Liz,

    Yes i would be interested in the tutorial too ;)

  4. OK, I'll get working on it and post it as soon as I can.... Thanks for letting me know what you all think!

  5. Lovely and very interesting!


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