
Monday, November 11, 2024

Hard Days

I've had some hard days lately. Someone I care very much about is going through some things that, quite frankly, I can't help them with. Other than letting them know how much I care and that I'm here for them, there is not a darn thing I can do, and it's killing me. I'm a take action and solve the problem kind of person, and right now I can't do squat and I hate it. And I know if my days have been hard, their days have been much, much harder.

Then there's the worry. Some days I am physically ill with worry for this person. I tend to be on the anxious side to begin with, so throw in some actual serious concern and my anxiety goes through the roof. 

Logically I know they have to deal with this and it's their issue, but it's still hard not to be able to help. And I'm told that when I get anxious, I come across as angry. Which I'm not. I don't mean to seem angry. I just wish I could help.... I know. I'm sorry.... This is a long rant with very little context, but putting it in print is helping me deal with it.

Perhaps this person might see this and come to realize I am not upset with them, but rather I am upset about their situation and just wish there was some way I could be of help.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad your still writting. When upset I too come across angry. Ty for being transparent it's beautiful.


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