
Friday, May 24, 2024


Today you graduate from high school.

You first walked in the school doors 15 years ago as a three year-old preschooler, and tonight you walk out a Mackinac Island Public School graduate.

Weren't you in preschool, like last week?

Your adult life is just beginning, and I see great things in your future. You got the intellect and the skills to do absolutely anything you desire, but remember - you have to make it happen. You've got to be proactive rather than reactive in order to craft your life into the life you want. 

I know, I know, you've got this. 

Your dad and I will be here cheering you on and offering support if you need it. You might need it, or you might not; either way we'll be here for you in whatever capacity you need.

Just remember, when you see me crying at graduation tonight (and I will cry), they are not tears of sadness. I will be crying tears of pride and joy as you walk across that stage. I am not even a little sad at the thought of you going off to Northern next year. I am thrilled at the thought of you moving out and moving on with your life - after all, it's how things are supposed to work. Will I miss you next year? Of course I will, but that feeling will be overshadowed by my feelings of pride over the battles you've fought and the struggles you've overcome to walk across that stage tonight. I love you!


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