
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Three Days

Three days until I cry as you walk across the stage to get your diploma.  

I thought long and hard about whether or not to use this picture, but it really does sum up your first three months of life; you were so unhappy.  You cried. All. The. Time. Nothing would console you.  Until we got the diagnosis that you were suffering from acid reflux and you started taking Prilosec.  After that, you started to smile. 

Then we dealt with a hospitalization for a severe UTI, a hospitalization for a dangerous eye infection, and other trips to the hospital I'd rather forget (including the time you swallowed the quarter, and when you accidentally broke my nose.) As if that wasn't enough, you've also had to deal with sleep apnea, a hearing impairment, ADD, and your more recent ASD diagnosis.  As we lived through those days, it didn't feel all that overwhelming. But now, as I see it all on one page, I get teary as I realize just how much you went through growing up. 

It feels so unfair that you had to face all of that when so many other kids get to breeze through their childhoods. As I ponder your many battles, I keep coming back to Nietzsche's words, "What does not kill me makes me stronger." I believe we can choose to look at adversity as an opportunity to grow - to develop strength and build a strong character. It all seems like a lifetime ago and yesterday at the same time, but with every hardship, you came out stronger on the other side. Your graduation from high school is a big deal - you made it; you fought every battle and won.  

Are your battles over? Probably not. Will life always be easy? Definitely not, but I believe in you. With your strength I know you will be capable of facing just about anything life throws at you! 

Being your mom hasn't always been easy, but I wouldn't have my life any other way. I love you!

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