
Friday, April 12, 2024

A Final Tribute

You may remember I lost my dad in May of 2022. Today he was laid to rest. We celebrated his life two years ago, but since he donated his body to Michigan State University's Medical School, we had no remains to bury.  

Today we attended a lovely service at Michigan State to honor the people who willed their bodies to MSU in the same cohort as my father. It was very moving to hear medical students thank the families and explain how their knowledge of human anatomy was deepened by being able to work actual humans rather than models. It would have made my dad smile to know how much his gift enriched the education of those future doctors. 

Then we drove to the cemetery to see where he and his fellow donors were buried.  Despite the windy, rainy weather, I'm glad we went out to see the memorial before driving home. It was a long, hard day, but impactful; and so fitting for the kind of man my dad was...

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