
Monday, April 22, 2024

Totality 2024

Families don't get much nerdier than mine, so of course, we had to drive down into totality (again) for this year's eclipse. The moon arrived right on time and we were treated to about 4.5 minutes of wonder.

Totality was incredible, but I was surprised at how different it looked than in the 2017 eclipse. In 2017 the sun's corona visibly moved and appeared to have what looked like swaying tendrils. This time that wasn't nearly as pronounced, but we could actually see CMEs (coronal mass ejections); it was amazing!

We spent the rest of the day watching the moon and just enjoying the warmth of the sun.

Oh yes, and taking advantage of having access to a garage. (Something we rarely have.) Since I had access to a garage and a shop vac, I spent a good part of the afternoon cleaning out the car. That may not seem like an interesting thing to do, but since I live on a vehicle-free island, I rarely have the ability to leisurely clean out my car. So I made the most of the opportunity.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Happy Worm Day!

My family may be the only family that celebrates, but happy Worm Day anyway! What is Worm Day you ask? Why Worm day is the first warmish, wet day each spring when the earthworms come out en masse. It's a day we celebrate as one of the heralds of spring (along with other spring happenings such as the First Boat, the First Freighter, or the opening of Grand Hotel's tulips.)

Worm Day is a sure sign that spring is here. Often it doesn't hit until early May, but it has been so warm in Northern Michigan this year, I'm not surprised they came out early.

It's not the best picture, but all those little lines on the pavement are worms, and they are all wishing you a very happy Worm Day 2024!

Friday, April 12, 2024

A Final Tribute

You may remember I lost my dad in May of 2022. Today he was laid to rest. We celebrated his life two years ago, but since he donated his body to Michigan State University's Medical School, we had no remains to bury.  

Today we attended a lovely service at Michigan State to honor the people who willed their bodies to MSU in the same cohort as my father. It was very moving to hear medical students thank the families and explain how their knowledge of human anatomy was deepened by being able to work actual humans rather than models. It would have made my dad smile to know how much his gift enriched the education of those future doctors. 

Then we drove to the cemetery to see where he and his fellow donors were buried.  Despite the windy, rainy weather, I'm glad we went out to see the memorial before driving home. It was a long, hard day, but impactful; and so fitting for the kind of man my dad was...

Tuesday, April 2, 2024



I take my nerdiness very seriously. 

So, of course, when a Star Trek fan travels through Bloomington, Indiana, you must stop to visit Captain Janeway's future birthplace. Or, when you discover a traveling exhibit of Trek items just happens to be at a Seattle museum when you're in town visiting a friend, how can you not go? I mean, come on. 

If you haven't guessed, I am a huge Star Trek fan. I love it all: the Original Series, The Next Generation, Voyager, Deep Space Nine, Discovery, Picard, Strange New Worlds, Prodigy and Lower Decks - they're all outstanding. To be honest however, the Original Series will always be my favorite. Watching it reminds me of snuggling next to my dad and watching it with him when I was a kid. Such good times...