
Friday, March 15, 2024

I Love Mackinac

Sometimes it's the little things about Mackinac Island that make me smile. Little things like the picture above. This young man, his siblings, and his parents were having dinner out at the Mustang the other day, and while they were waiting for their food, the kids popped over to another table to paint. I've never seen something like that on the mainland, but scenes like this are fairly common on Mackinac in the winter. It made my heart happy because not one person batted an eye - not the server, the other patrons, or the manager. 

It reminded me of the time my daughter and I went to breakfast at the Mustang years ago. She was about five and wanted to sit up at the "counter," A.K.A. the bar. I patiently explained, that people under 21 weren't allowed at the bar, but we could sit at any other table because we were the only ones in the restaurant at the time. The owner came over and told K that she could sit at "the counter" this one time because no one else was there and that was the only time it was allowed.  She was so incredibly happy.

 It was such a little thing, but it made her day.

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