
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Insert Eye Roll Here

I was out shopping the other day and this caught my eye. It caught my attention partially because they were putting out Christmas ornaments before Halloween (sigh), and partially because someone felt the need to rearrange them. For the record, I would have also let out an audible eye roll if someone had spelled out B-I-D-E-N. 

To me, this kind of behavior is rude. Some poor employee had to hang those all up, in order and in one swoop this person came in and undid all that work. In addition, the letters are now out of order - making it harder for a customer to find the letter they're looking for. To me, this is no different than a five year-old coming in and spelling out the word P-O-O-P. At least with the five year-old I could compliment their use and spelling of the OO vowel team; but I've got no words for this person, other than maybe G-R-O-W-U-P.

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