
Sunday, October 29, 2023

Future Wildcat in the House!

Somebody in my house got good news in the mail the other day - an acceptance letter to their top choice college - Northern Michigan University! So, of course, we had to visit campus. (Plus it was a good excuse to visit my other Wildcat.) K was able to meet with an academic advisor to begin planning their program and we had a lovely weekend filled with time on campus, family time and fun.

We hiked up to the top of Sugarloaf and even managed to take in a live version of The Rocky Horror Show while we were in Marquette. (S was not enthusiastic about getting his picture taken with Wildcat Willie up on Sugarloaf, but in the end, he gave in to make mom happy.)

Rocky Horror was very well done! As small-town-theater-people we were quite impressed; the singing, acting, music, sets and costumes were wonderful. I wouldn't be surprised if we try to catch the show again next year.

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