
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Poetic Visions, 2023

Earlier this month the Mackinac Arts Council held the annual Poetic Vision of Mackinac art show. Adults and Mackinac Island students enter art and poetry to be shown and judged. This year I took my students on an imaginary "Haiku Hike" around Mackinac, then they wrote poems about things they might have seen. Next, each student carved a block print to go along with their poem. One of my students (pictured above with parental permission) won the Best in Show Award in the sixth through eighth grade category. She worked so hard on her block print, and she wrote four Haiku; one print and one poem for each season. She is such a great kid - the kind who puts her all into everything she does. The best in Show award is awarded for the best set of art and poetry. For the students, awards are also given for Best Poetry and Best Art. 

My daughter won the Best Poetry Award  in the High School category) for her poem On Mackinac Island.

My son entered a photograph and poem set, 

as well as a stand-alone poem. He didn't wain an award, but after winning Best in Show (High School) last year, it was a tough act to follow. 

I just love going to the show and seeing the kids' faces when they win. In September, when the art exhibit comes down, the beautifully framed artwork is sent home to parents. Thank you Mackinac Arts Council!

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