
Saturday, May 27, 2023

Graduation: Mackinac Style

I may be a wee bit biased, but I have to say Mackinac Island's Commencement ceremony is pretty unique. With such small classes, the principal can share personal stories about each graduate. (Four students graduated this year.) She told each of them why she would remember them, and let them know that she put her cell phone number inside their card. She told them that she would be there to help and support them, in any way she could. It was so much more personal than the graduates simply walking across the stage. The personal relationships teachers are able to build with students on Mackinac Island is really quite special.

After the ceremony the students stood in a receiving line so all the guests could congratulate them. Then the kids and their families headed over to Grand Hotel's Secret Garden for photographs. 

Have you ever seen a more beautiful place for graduation photos? The photos don't do the garden justice; the smell of grape hyacinths was just incredible. The hotel's photographer took pictures of the kids together and then stayed and took family portraits. Saturday morning we discovered not only did Grand Hotel donate the photographer, but we were gifted all the digital images! What an amazing surprise.

Sunday morning the celebration continued on a Sip n' Sail cruise aboard the Isle Royal Queen III. The Class of 2023 enjoyed food, music, friends, and family as they cruised through the Straits of Mackinac. (Again, donated by our incredibly supportive community.)  It was a delightful way to spend a Sunday morning!

The weekend was full of love and support for these boys who are ready to go out and make their mark on the world.

This weekend also happened to be the one year anniversary of my dad's death. As my husband and I thought of how to best honor my father, we decided to do what we thought he would have wanted us to do, which was to celebrate his grandson; to make the graduate the center of attention. I can grieve for my father any day, but S gets one high school graduation. I don't believe my dad would want his grandson's special day overshadowed by sadness and grief. 

So, in that spirit, I share this goofy photo from Thanksgiving, 2012. 

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