
Saturday, August 13, 2022

It's That Time of Year

This view might not look very special to you - but I love it. At first glance it just looks like a random forest, but if you look a little closer you will see something special - blueberries

Sometimes, when the crop is good, you can actually see patches of blue from the car. The picking wasn't that good this year, but I still got to spend the day in my happy place. If you know where (and when) to look, you can find lots of wild blueberries in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. There are "You Pick" farms, but we prefer to pick wild berries on state forest land. It's a perfect day - we're outdoors, spending time as a family, and the berries are free.

The picking wasn't as good as it was back in 2019, but the four of us working together managed to pick six pounds (2.7 kg) on this trip. Not great, but it's still enough for a batch of jam,

and one of these:

Blueberry pie! After I make the jam, I hope I have just enough left for a batch of these. I made them with dried cherries and they were amazing


  1. Looks wonderful and I love that you all had a great time together as a family!!

  2. Where I am, I know that it is blueberry picking time when it is my nephews birthday, because I was out picking when we got the call announcing his birth! Best berry in the bunch!


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