
Thursday, July 28, 2022


A few nights ago my family and I were hanging out in the living room when we heard an odd noise. It sounded like someone had dropped something upstairs. Since we were all together in the living room, I went upstairs to investigate. I looked all over but couldn't find the cause of the noise.

Until I got up the next morning and was getting ready; that's when I noticed how sticky things were in the bathroom closet. After a little investigating, I found what had made the mystery noise the night before. Somehow my metal container of hairspray exploded.

I'm glad I wasn't holding it when it exploded because the torn metal edges were really sharp. Luckily the mess was contained to one shelf in the closet, but it took quite a while to wash down every item on the shelf, as well as the walls and the shelf itself - it was all a sticky mess.

Now I'm just really curious about what made the metal fail like that...

1 comment:

  1. I suggest reaching out to them and reporting it. It could have been a weak spot in the metal, but YIKES! and ewww on the clean up!


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