
Monday, March 29, 2021

I Heart Kid Art

As I'm sure you know, the Mackinac Island Public School is small. Our entire K-12 school is about 60 kids, half of which are in the "upper end" (7th - 12th grades.) Amusingly, my two kids are the only two taking high school art this semester. I love walking by the teacher's hallway displays and trying to decide which one of my children created each piece. 

This week is was block prints; my youngest made the character in black while my son carved and printed the rose in blue. The art teacher knows me well enough that she had each of them print a second one for me to hang on my art wall at home.


  1. I LOVED doing the carved prints in HS art! My mom still has my print hanging on her wall. I bet yours will be up in 30 years too! LOL

  2. I hope they are still up in 30 years!


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