
Monday, February 8, 2021

Mackinac Problems


My youngest and I were supposed to spend the day on the mainland at an appointment today. However, Lake Huron had other ideas.  The boat only made it part way to the Island this morning before it had to turn around due to ice. I am highly doubtful that the conditions will be any better tomorrow, so we'll fly across to our rescheduled appointment...


  1. The weatherman doesn't seem to think the cold is going away any time soon :( I can't even imagine how you get from the airport to your the cold to boot. yikes! it is a wrinkle to living on an island!

  2. The ferry shuttle took us the first time. Then, we just leave our car at the airport - parking there is free. I'm not above bumming rides the two or three miles down to the ferry parking. There use to be a small local taxi, but he hasn't run since Covid hit.


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