
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Gratitude: January 31st

As silly as it may sound, today I am grateful that I took the time to focus on gratitude this month. I need to keep it a focus in my life. I need to work, every day, to not focus on the frustrations, the trials and the tribulations - but instead to keep my eyes open for the little things that bring me joy. It's just hard sometimes.

Sometimes the trials and tribulations just seem so overwhelming. They seem so much bigger than a hot shower, a purring cat, or a goofy horse. Forcing myself to consciously acknowledge the things I appreciate has helped improve my outlook, and January has seemed just a little bit brighter. And oh how I've needed that brightness. 

Yesterday, while I was cooking dinner one of my children commented on something silly I was doing, "Mom, you seem like you're in a good mood today."

For an instant I was upset; if a good mood was that noticeable, my kids haven't seen that part of me in quite a while. But then I made a conscious decision to not be upset. In that moment, I was in a good mood; I wasn't worried or upset - I was genuinely happy to be doing whatever it was I was doing. (I wish, for the life of me, that I could remember what it was!) I want to keep that feeling, and I believe focusing on all the little things I am grateful for has been a big help in lifting my mood. I may not post about it as often, but I will be working to be grateful each and every day...


  1. I have thoroughly enjoyed your gratitude posts. I am the same way, it’s hard to find something to be thankful about sometimes. I enjoy reading about your life on the island. Sharon in Colorado

  2. Hi Sharon! Thanks for taking the time to say hello! - Liz

  3. Superb!
    Maybe you were humming while doing a chore?

  4. Thanks for publishing your gratitude snippets. They were a breath of fresh air while we are hunkered down for winter.

  5. I enjoyed all your gratitude posts. It's so easy to overlook the small things we can be thankful for.


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