
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Gratitude: January 27th

I know many people are anti pharmaceutical companies, but I can't imagine life without some of the modern drugs we take for granted. 

Today my lower back and I are grateful for drugs like acetaminophen and ibuprofen. I even appreciate opioids (when taken in moderation.) Both of my children have taken them - my youngest when they got their tonsils  and adenoids out, and my oldest after after his wisdom teeth needed to be surgically removed from his lower jaw.


  1. Hi Liz,
    I don't use a lot of meds but like you I sure am glad they are there when I need them. Where would we be without them? My nephew is alive today because of the chemotherapy drugs he was able to use to combat cancer. You keep mentioning your yoga. I loved gong to a yoga class but now that we do not meet I am at a loss. Do you use videos? able to meet in person? how are you solving the current dilemma?

  2. Pre-Covid, I did yoga, weekly, in person. Covid quickly put an end to that. A friend of mine told me about a 90 day free trial of the Peloton app, so I signed up. I was paying $5.00 for each hour long yoga class when I went in person. A Peloton membership costs me $12.99 per month, and since I'm doing yoga 3-4 times per week, it is cheaper than in-person classes for me. Plus, I love not having to pack everything up to go to class. AND, with the membership, I get access to ALL of their classes. I don't have their bike or treadmill, but they have meditation, walking, running, stretching, weight lifting, cardio - the list goes on. And I have access to all of them. I've only tried their yoga and meditation, but I'm happy with it.


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