
Thursday, September 3, 2020


I noticed this sign a week or so ago during 
Mackinac Island's annual Fudge Festival. 

Oh Rybas,  did you forget
how to make plurals?

Remember, when a word ending
in a consonant + y is changed into a plural, 
the y is dropped and ies is added to the end.

Mummy becomes mummies.
Baby becomes babies.
Family becomes families.
Journey becomes journeys.
(It does! Look again - there is no consonant before the y.)

So, taffy becomes taffies.

I have to admit it - I am that person. 
I do feel the uncontrollable urge to silently correct
the grammar on signage.
Most of the time the issue the incorrect 
use of an apostrophe, but that's a rant for 
a different day.
That said, I freely admit that I do
occasionally make mistakes, and
I try to be gracious when I am corrected.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your posts so much. Thanks for the little uplifts from the island.
    Once gave my son a t-shirt that said "I am silently judging your grammar". He got a big kick out of that one.


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