
Wednesday, July 15, 2020


During quarantine this spring I discovered The Great British Baking Show. It's right up my alley - chock full of delicious sweets and British humor. Of course, I've had to try a few things. This week it was the classic Bakewell Tart, which to be honest, I had never heard of. Though the kids and I do think we ate one in Iceland last summer. (We didn't know what it was really called because when  Google translated the Icelandic into English it came up as "Chum.")

It was delicious! (And not overly complicated - though you do need almond flour.) The crust was very similar to the crust in a treacle tart. Instead of making the raspberry jam the recipe called for, I used blueberry jam I made last summer. This was so good and so easy - I see more of these in our future. I just need to get a bigger tart pan!


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