
Monday, March 16, 2020

New Normal

Who would have though we'd ever be where we are now. The words "global pandemic" use to be the stuff of movies and video games, and yet here we are in the midst of one.  Michigan schools closed for a minimum of three weeks, restaurants are closed,  and we are all practicing "social distancing" in an attempt to flatten the curve.  (Although my favorite graph so far has got to be Cattening the Curve. Dr. Anne Marie Darling, an epidemiologist, altered the chart because she thought cats would be more "compelling" to people than plain old charts and graphs.  Brilliant.)

So here we are, trying to navigate this new normal. My husband is in charge of the Island's water system, so the kids and I are on "lock down," in an attempt to keep him and the other plant operators healthy. Throughout the past few days, I think the hardest thing for me has been the not knowing. I don't like not knowing. I'm especially worried about my dad; he's 79 and has COPD...

photo credits: Corona Pandemic  Cattening the Curve


  1. I would have thought that the island was "safer" if that is the correct word. I will keep your dad in my prayers. I worry about my mom (85 years old) and have stopped the visits with the kids. Of course my mother reminds me that in the 1918 flu outbreak people isolated themselves also, and again every time there was a polio outbreak...I guess we have been lulled into compliancy.


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